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Latest News

  • 02.Sep.2024

Back to School: Prioritize Your Child’s Health with The View Hospital

As the school year begins, it's important to ensure your child is healthy and prepared to excel academically. A child's physical and mental well-being is key to their success in school. Here are a few tips to keep in mind for your child's health:

  • Schedule a routine health check-up to catch any potential issues early.
  • Ensure your child gets adequate sleep to stay focused in class.
  • Maintain a balanced diet to fuel their learning.
  • Encourage regular physical activity for overall well-being.

At The View Hospital, our Pediatric Department is dedicated to providing your children with the highest standards of care. Whether it’s routine check-ups or specialized care, we are here to support your child’s health throughout the academic year.

To book an appointment, contact us at: 8000777

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