أمراض الرئة

د. بانا هورامي

استشاري, أمراض الرئة
الإنجليزية, الأرمنية
🇬🇧 بريطاني

Brief Profile

Dr. Bana Hawramy is a highly accomplished medical professional with an impressive academic background and extensive clinical expertise. She graduated with honors from Hawler Medical University, ranking second among her peers in 2007, earning her MB ChB degree. Her pursuit of excellence led her to the United Kingdom in 2008, where she completed her foundational and core medical training in Yorkshire County.

In 2013, Dr. Bana embarked on higher specialist training in respiratory and internal medicine within the Yorkshire Deanery, ultimately achieving the Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) in respiratory medicine and general internal medicine in 2021. She assumed the role of consultant respiratory physician at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in 2021, where she managed a wide range of respiratory disorders and oversaw TB and sleep clinics.

Dr. Bana's expertise encompasses the assessment, treatment, and management of diverse respiratory conditions, including asthma, interstitial lung disease, and lung cancer. She holds a special interest in complex ventilation, sleep-related breathing disorders, and pulmonary infections, including fungal infections. Her proficiency extends to performing various respiratory procedures, such as bronchoscopy, endobronchial ultrasound, pleural interventions, and thoracic ultrasound. In August 2023, she expanded her horizons by joining View Hospital, continuing her mission to provide high-quality respiratory care on an international scale.

Dr. Bana's dedication to the field of medicine and her commitment to enhancing patient outcomes make her a respected figure in the healthcare community.



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