طب الأسرة

د. محمد لؤي شماع

استشاري, طب الأسرة
الإنجليزية، العربية
🇬🇧 بريطاني

Brief Profile

Dr. M. Louai Shammaa is a highly experienced Family Medicine Consultant with over 20 years of clinical practice in the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS). His extensive expertise spans across a wide range of settings, including urgent care centers, emergency departments, primary care facilities, private clinics, secure environments, home visits, and remote video consultations. This diverse background has equipped him to handle both acute illnesses and chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, hypertension, diabetes, thyroid disorders, skin conditions, musculoskeletal injuries, adult mental health, and more.

Currently serving as a Family Medicine Consultant at The View Hospital, Dr. Louai is deeply committed to providing patient-centered care. He involves his patients in the decision-making process to ensure their treatment goals are not only agreed upon but also achievable and realistic.

Dr. Louai is a strong advocate of disease prevention and healthy living. He takes pride in empowering his patients with the knowledge needed to understand the root causes of their conditions and offering them practical lifestyle and treatment options to improve their overall well-being.



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