الطب المهني

د. مروان حميد

استشاري, الطب المهني
الإنجليزية، العربية
🇮🇶 العراق

Brief Profile

Dr. Marwan Hamid is a distinguished occupational medicine physician with expertise in respiratory diseases, occupational dermatosis, musculoskeletal disorders, and mental health effects related to work. He provides consultations, medical check-ups, and fitness-to-work assessments, promoting good health among employees and their families.

With a passion for education, Dr. Marwan serves as a lecturer at the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin, Ireland, specializing in the Occupational Medicine Diploma program. Prior to this role, he has held teaching positions at esteemed institutions including Sharjah Medical College in the UAE and Baghdad Medical College in Iraq. Dr. Marwan's expertise in Occupational and Environmental Medicine is bolstered by his international training acquired in Amman, Jordan, and Manchester, U.K., which enriches his clinical skills and knowledge.

Throughout his career, Dr. Marwan has made significant contributions to institutions like the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) in the UAE and in PHCC / Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in Qatar. Notably, he served as a Consultant Physician at Aspetar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in Qatar for over four years. Dr. Marwan's dedication to promoting health and safety extends beyond the workplace, embodying a culture of well-being in every aspect of life.



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