جراحة الأعصاب

د. محمد صبحي مكي

استشاري, جراحة المخ والأعصاب
الانجليزية، الألمانية، العربية
🇩🇪 الألمانية

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Brief Profile

Dr. Mohammad Subhi Makki is senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at The View Hospital. He has been in the field of Neurosurgery and Spine Surgery since 2007. He specializes in Spine Surgery and has extensive experience and training in the field of Neurosurgery, particularly in the management of complex spinal conditions.

Dr. Subhi began his medical career in Neurosurgery at Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin and DBK Neubrandenburg, where he completed his residency and gained a wealth of experience in spinal and neurological disorders.

Dr. Subhi achieved certification from the German Board of Neurosurgery and took on the role of Chief Ward Physician, where he excelled in managing complex cases and leading a team of Neurosurgeons. has served as a Consultant in Neurosurgery at DBK Germany from 2017 to 2024, providing expert care and contributing to the advancement of neurosurgical techniques. During this period, he played a critical role in managing complex neurosurgical cases and mentoring junior doctors.

His extensive training and experience position him as a leading expert in Neurosurgery, particularly in advanced spinal procedures, making him an asset in the field of neurosurgical care.



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الحياة الصحية
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