الأشعة التداخلية

د. راشد سيليني

استشاري, الأشعة التداخلية
الإنجليزية، العربية، الألمانية، الفرنسية
🇩🇪 الألمانية

الأشعة التداخلية
Brief Profile

Dr. Rached Silini is a highly accomplished medical professional with a rich academic background and extensive clinical experience in radiology and medicine. Dr. Silini holds a sub specialization in Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology from the Medical Council Lower Saxony in Germany. He has also achieved advanced expertise in Interventional Radiology, Module ABCDE, from Germany, demonstrating his dedication to staying at the forefront of medical advancements.

Furthermore, Dr. Rached has acquired the prestigious EBIR (European Board of Interventional Radiology) certification from the CIRSE (Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe) and a German Board in Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology from the Medical Council Lower Saxony in Germany. His comprehensive education includes a Bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from Tunisia.

Dr. Rached's clinical journey has taken him to renowned medical institutions in Germany, where he has made significant contributions to patient care and medical advancements. He served as a Consultant Radiologist/Neuroradiologist at Agaplesion Diakonieklinikum Rotenburg, Germany, specializing in interventional radiology and neuroradiology. Prior to this, he worked as a Consultant Interventional Radiologist at Allgemeines Krankenhaus Celle, Germany, where he contributed his expertise in interventional radiology and neuroradiology. His dedication to providing high-quality healthcare is reflected in his medical licenses in both Germany and Tunisia.

Dr. Rached's impressive academic and clinical journey underscores his commitment to advancing healthcare and patient well-being, with expertise in diagnostic and interventional radiology as a cornerstone of his medical excellence.



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