طب الجلدية

د.سامي يونس

استشاري, طب الجلدية
الإنجليزية، العربية
🇬🇧 بريطاني

Brief Profile

Dr. Sami Yones is a distinguished Dermatologist with over 20 years of extensive and diverse experience in the field of Dermatology, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, and Cosmetology.

His journey in medicine commenced with his Diploma in Clinical Dermatology & Venereology and Fellowship in Clinical Dermatology & Venereology, both obtained from the esteemed University of Vienna, Austria.  He pursued an MSc in Clinical Dermatology at King’s College, University of London, UK, and a Doctor of Medicine from the same institution. He also completed a Fellowship in Clinical Dermatology at St John's Institute of Dermatology, King’s College, UK. He earned the distinction of Diplomate of the American Board of Aesthetic Medicine (ABAM) and obtaining the CCT UK Certificate of Completion of Training in Dermatology, UK.

Dr. Sami served as Senior Consultant Dermatologist at various leading teaching hospitals, including Orpington, Beckenham, Southend Onsea University Hospital, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals, and Imperial College University Hospital, UK.

Dr. Sami diagnoses and treats a wide array of conditions. His expertise includes managing all skin, hair, and nail diseases for both pediatric and adult patients, management of vitiligo as well as the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, such as human papillomavirus, gonorrhea, and syphilis. He is also recognized for his proficiency in skin cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. He offers aesthetic and cosmetic procedures tailored to both ladies and gentlemen.

Furthermore, Dr. Sami specializes in providing biological therapy for the treatment of severe cases of Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, and Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria.

Dr. Sami is a renowned reviewer for prestigious journals and an esteemed member of various professional societies which include the British Association of Dermatologists, St John’s Institute of Dermatology, and Qatar Dermatology Society among others.



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