جراحة العظام

د. شفيق شهبان

استشاري, جراحة العظام
الانجليزية، الأردية
🇬🇧 بريطاني

جراحة العظام
Brief Profile

Dr. Shafiq Shahban is a UK-trained Consultant Trauma and Orthopedic Surgeon with over 14 years of experience in the NHS. He is currently serving as an Orthopedic Surgeon at The View Hospital. Dr. Shafiq earned a Bachelor of Science in Orthopedic Sciences from University College London and completed his medical degree at Leicester Medical School.

He trained in multiple Major Trauma Centers across the UK, including Coventry, Birmingham, and Glasgow, and completed dual fellowship training in Arthroplasty, Robotic Surgery and Trauma, covering adult, pediatric, and spinal trauma. He later worked as a Consultant Trauma and Orthopedic Surgeon at Walsall Manor Hospital (UK) and is a certified Robotic Orthopedic Surgeon, commonly performing Robotic Hip and Knee Joint Replacement Surgery.

Dr. Shafiq has a strong research and teaching background, with over 20 peer-reviewed publications, two book chapters, and involvement in several large multi-centre UK randomized control trials. He has presented at numerous national and international conferences and contributed to various audits, re-audits, and quality improvement projects. Additionally, Dr. Shafiq is an Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) course instructor and serves as an examiner at the University of Birmingham Medical School.

At The View Hospital, Dr. Shafiq offers expertise in general orthopedic, arthroplasty (joint replacement), robotic and revision (re-do) surgeries. He is equally comfortable managing a variety of orthopedic-related conditions in both adult and pediatric patients, treating issues ranging from accidental injuries to chronic conditions. He utilizes his skills, experience, and up-to-date evidence-based practice to ensure that his patients receive the highest level of care and support.

Through his patient-centered approach, Dr. Shafiq has received numerous positive feedback letters from patients and colleagues. His dedication and commitment to exceptional care make him an asset to The View Hospital.



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