طب الأسرة

د.حيدر الورد

استشاري, طب الأسرة
الإنجليزية، العربية
🇬🇧 بريطاني

Brief Profile

Dr. Haider Alwared obtained his Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree from Baghdad University in Iraq. He further pursued training and specialization in the United Kingdom, where he became a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners. With over 14 years of experience, including 8 years as a Family Medicine Consultant in London's NHS and Private sector, Dr. Haider has developed a comprehensive understanding of primary healthcare. His recent work has also involved telemedicine, further expanding his expertise. Dr. Haider is proficient in providing healthcare services in both English and Arabic.  

Scope of Practice

Dr. Haider 's scope of practice encompasses various areas, including acute (sudden onset) and non-emergency medical conditions across all age groups. He is adept in managing illnesses such as fever, infections, colds/flu, migraines/headaches, and back pain. Additionally, Dr. Haider specializes in chronic disease management, addressing conditions like High Blood Pressure, Thyroid disorders, Diabetes, High cholesterol, Asthma, and COPD. He is also experienced in managing mental health conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, and related disorders. Furthermore, Dr. Haider provides general vaccinations, men and women's health check-ups, general pediatrics, occupational health services, executive health screening, and general health promotion and preventative measures.

Dr. Haider is a dedicated and compassionate healthcare professional who is committed to delivering high-quality care. He prioritizes meeting the healthcare needs of individuals and families, ensuring their well-being and satisfaction.



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