الطب النفسي وعلم النفس السريري

د. محمد الحشاش

استشاري, الطب النفسي وعلم النفس السريري
الإنجليزية، العربية، الفرنسية
🇱🇧 لبنان

الطب النفسي وعلم النفس السريري
Brief Profile

Dr. Mohamad ElHachach is a consultant psychiatrist with 16 years of experience across various clinical and organizational settings. He earned his Bachelor of Medicine and completed his medical specialization in Psychiatry at Beirut Arab University (BAU) in Lebanon. Additionally, Dr. Mohamad holds a diploma in the organization and development of mental health services from the University of Saint Joseph (USJ), Lebanon.

Over the years, Dr. Mohamad has worked in diverse settings, including private practice, general hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and international NGOs, such as those affiliated with the United Nations. His extensive experience includes managing psychiatric cases and delivering comprehensive mental health services through diagnosis, case management, and biological interventions, such as prescribing and managing medications. Dr. Mohamad also integrates psychological interventions, offering counseling, basic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), often working closely with clinical psychologists for deeper psychotherapies when needed

Throughout his career, Dr. Mohamad has treated a wide array of mental health conditions. These include anxiety disorders such as social anxiety and panic disorder, bipolar and related disorders, depressive disorders, and schizophrenia spectrum and psychotic disorders. He also specializes in substance-related and addictive disorders, managing cases related to alcohol, tobacco, and other substances, as well as non-substance-related disorders like internet and gaming addictions. His work further encompasses neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder and ADHD, as well as neurocognitive conditions like dementia, which often require collaboration with families and other specialties.

Dr. Mohamad is also experienced in addressing trauma and stressor-related disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and adjustment disorders. His expertise extends to managing complex psychological conditions, including personality disorders, sleep-wake disorders, paraphilic disorders, and somatic symptom-related disorders. Additionally, he provides grief counseling to support individuals coping with the loss of loved ones, ensuring that his practice covers the full spectrum of mental health care. With a deep commitment to a comprehensive, patient-centered approach, Dr. Mohamad combines biological, psychological, and social factors to deliver well-rounded mental health care.



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