طب الأسرة

د. سماح شيري

استشاري, طب الأسرة
الإنجليزية، العربية، الفرنسية
🇨🇦 الكندية

Brief Profile

Dr. Samah Chiry is a highly qualified medical professional with extensive experience. An MD graduate from the University of Montreal, Canada, holds a Master's in Biomedical Sciences with a focus in clinical Research and specializes in Family Medicine and is certified by the Canadian College of Family Physicians (CCFP). With postgraduate diplomas in Pain Assessment and Management, and International Health, she also possesses a certificate in Humanitarian Studies and Disaster Management from Harvard and McGill Universities.

Dr. Samah has 11 years of diverse experience in Canadian healthcare. She practiced in various settings, including urgent care in the emergency department, hospitals, and clinics. She emphasizes continuity of care as the hallmark of family medicine, fostering long-term patient-physician partnerships. Dr. Samah advocates for patient-focused, detail-oriented care, coordinating a multidisciplinary approach when needed.

As a Faculty Lecturer at McGill University, Canada, she actively contributes to medical education of students and residents, has numerous global publications, and has presented at conferences.

Dr. Samah’s expertise encompasses primary care for all age groups, emergency care, women and men's health, hormonal therapy, preventive health screening, lifestyle modifications, obesity, musculoskeletal issues, chronic pain, dermatology, and mental health. In her role as a co-medical chief in a Montreal Family Medicine Group Clinic, she led a team of healthcare professionals, initiating projects to enhance patient experience and improve daily practice. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr Samah actively participated in Covid urgent care clinics and served as a main member in the Covid committee for logistics and health matters related to Covid in her clinic.  Dr. Samah is also the Reviewer in charge/Editor of the Mediterranean Journal of Emergency Care (MJEM), now known as "Panorama of Emergency Medicine" (POEM), a peer-reviewed scientific journal.



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