جراحة الأعصاب

د.سيف البستنجي

استشاري, جراحة المخ والأعصاب
العربية، الإنجليزية، الألمانية
🇩🇪 الألمانية

جراحة الأعصاب
Brief Profile

Dr. Seif N. Albustanji, a highly experienced Neurosurgeon, has a diverse and accomplished career.

Dr. Seif’s professional journey began as a resident at the Freiburg University Medical Centre in Germany, where he had the privilege of working with distinguished professors in the field of Neurosurgery. He gained extensive experience in a wide range of neurosurgical procedures and completed his "Facharzt" training program, performing various neurosurgical operations including disc herniation and spinal stenosis using microscopic and minimal invasive techniques to cervical disc surgeries, cranial trauma operations, spinal stabilization, peripheral nerve surgeries, operations of hydrocephalus and disorders of the CSF system and brain surgeries for treating brain tumors.

Following that, Dr. Seif worked as a Neurosurgery Specialist at Dr. Kahf Clinic in Tuttlingen, Germany. He later returned to Jordan, where he joined the College of Medicine at Mu'tah University as a lecturer in Neurosurgery. In 2017, Dr. Albustanji embarked on a new chapter as a neurosurgery consultant at Al-Hada Military Hospital in Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Seif’s qualifications include an MBBS from Jordan University of Science and Technology, a permanent medical license in Germany, a German Board certification in Neurosurgery from the University Hospital Freiburg, Arab Board in Neurosurgery, professional accreditation as a Consultant from the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, and professional accreditation as a Consultant from Abu Dhabi Department of Health (DOH).

Dr. Seif's extensive experience and commitment to excellence make him a distinguished figure in the field of Neurosurgery.



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