خدمات طب الأسنان

د. زرجونا خان أحمدزاي

اخصائي, خدمات طب الأسنان
الإنجليزية، البشتونية
🇦🇺 الاسترالية

خدمات طب الأسنان
Brief Profile

Dr. Zarghona Khan Ahmadzai is a compassionate and highly skilled dentist from Australia, currently serving at The View Hospital in Qatar, where she brings over a decade of clinical experience.

Dr. Zarghona attained her Dental degree from Griffith University’s School of Medicine and Oral Health in Queensland, where she was recognized for her exceptional academic performance, receiving several awards, including the prestigious Dean’s Award for placing within the top 5% of her cohort. Prior to that, she earned First Class Honours for her research thesis in Biomedical Science at the University of Western Australia.

Having worked across several private dental clinics across Sydney and Perth, Dr. Zarghona has refined her technical skills in general, cosmetic, and implant dentistry. Dr. Zarghona’s clinical experience spans across multiple disciplines of dentistry, including all aspects of general dentistry, Invisalign for teeth straightening, veneers for enhancing shape and form and dental implants for replacing missing teeth.

She is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of dental research and frequently attends professional development courses both in Australia and internationally. Dr. Zarghona has continued her education with advanced training from world-renowned institutions and leading clinicians globally. She is currently completing her Master’s in Oral Implantology at the prestigious Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, where she is learning cutting-edge implant surgery techniques.

Her approach is centered on patient education and empowerment, ensuring that each patient achieves their healthiest, most beautiful smile in a calm and relaxing environment. Known for her gentle chair side manner, her patients often express gratitude for helping them achieve their dream smiles in a comfortable setting, a testament to her blend of technical excellence, artistic vision and gentle manner. Dr. Zarghona brings a wealth of expertise to Qatar, where she is committed to delivering world-class dental care.



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